installed on my testing board, running 2.2.9. ran fine.
the install file, when viewed with your browser, helps install the hack by making modifications to the database for you, and pointing out which files to modify in an "easy way." place it in your admin folder, as it requires admin access to install.
it can import (
read: copy, but not delete) files from the database.
the attachments.php with proper code is in your forums' root directory. the attachments.php in the admin folder does not have the necessary coding. yes, those instructions weren't perfectly clear at first, but read
all instructions before proceding, common sense should dictate. you'll notice you have to make modifications to files in the mod and admin folders, and thus, they're located in the mod/ and admin/ folders.
however, the instructions have a slight typo, though i think the reason lies within changes to vb since 2.2.3. the second instructions for the admin/functions.php file (don't mistake this for admin/adminfunctions.php like i did) have this code:
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM attachment WHERE attachmentid IN ($attachmentids"."0) AND NOT attachmentid IN ($omitattachmentids"."0)");
wheras function.php has:
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM attachment WHERE attachmentid IN ($attachmentids"."0) AND attachmentid NOT IN ($omitattachmentids"."0)");
simply, "attachmentid" and "NOT" are reversed. i wouldn't imagine this to be any problem whatsoever. i've attached the installer file with the proper change for versions 2.2.7 and above (2.2.7 change log: "Admin/functions.php; fixed a bug causing attachments used as references to be deleted when they shouldn't be").