Originally posted by Bitsys
version 0.56 will fix the "steal money from other users using a negative number in the donate screen" bug.
VeoMorphine (first time):
The next version will include:- Items will have a level associated with them. If you are not a high enough level, then you can't buy the item.
- A Healing Center. At the healing center, you can get back HP and MA by spending money.
- User's will be able to gain experience based on if they won the battle they were in.
There are a lot of bug fixes and minor additions too.
VeoMorphine (second time):
You want an input box in the admin cp that displays the stock of an item that you can change at will, correct? I think that would be easy to do, I just need clarification.
Strider Xero:
I don't think I will be able to include that in this version. That would involve user group IDs.
I have noticed that on most boards, the RPG Name is duplicated. However, on my board it is not. I will look at the install files and see where there is a deviation.
Yes thats what i think would be great, to be able to ajust the max and current items in stock. I allready modifyed it to do that on my board and its very easy.
And for the healing station in the next version, why not make it like an inn? Restores all stats. Ill help make it once i get home.
with perreras problem. He should just need to delete one of the profile fields, and change the field it uses in the config.
Im also working on a system were mods and admins can take away and give money to users, along with intregrating lusanes store with this.