hmmm I'll double check that. I have no problem here, which version of tcl are you using?
This weekend I will be releasing version 2 of the beta.
Lots of extra funtions, including options
Bot side
-> for the current forum calls the bot option
-> bot calls home to the fori with an update (small text file stored on the forum server) - you will need the http library installed.
-> forum side
a small (secure I think) call home php script for the bot (option 2 above)
->either the current online user display or
->user table lookup in the db to match (in this order) handle on the bot, nick, host name.
- This script will also keep users hidden if their user option is to be hidden on the forum (admin can still see).
- added funtions for users to overide the lookup like the '[on]' at the end of the nick to overide the hidden flag and '[me]' to overide if the user db lookup looks up the wrong person.
I just have a minor bug to fix and need to write the documentation for install.
edit here is the code from my running bot, double check to see if there is a difference
if {[utimerexists ""] == ""} {utimer 60 i2h:make}
return 1
proc utimerexists {i2h:make} {
foreach j [utimers] {if {[string compare [lindex $j 1] i2h:make] == 0} {return [lindex $j 2]}}