That error was probably due to a busy server. I have not gotten that error before. If you want to know the exact equations for MP, HP, PP, etc, then see . Mages do not have to use staffs. If you are only getting "Use your fists" while in battle, then do the following:
- Go to the admin CP
- Click on "Edit Items"
- Next to the weapons category name, click on the "edit" link.
- Change the Battle type of the category to One-handed weapons or whatever you see fit. There are several options.
- Go back to the battle, after purchasing an item from that category (or if you already had an item from that category, then don't worry about it) and see if it is now usable.
Read the above ^^.
Also, make sure you are updating your stats in the USER Control Panel under the Modify Profile screen. You should be doing this after your Alignment, Class, Race etc. has already been set. You must also have at least one post.
I will be able to provide a more detailed explanation of the stats a little later. It is futile to do it now because they keep getting slightly modified.
Let me know if you are still having trouble.