Just found this hack. Installed it on my Vbulletin forum which is running on Powweb hosting.
Quick Info:
I use to run my own server before and never had any problems. Certain things made me go with a host. To make a long story short, they won't update the PHP.INI to match my SMTP server settings because I'm on the shared server. Right now it just says LOCALHOST in the PHP.INI but the SMTP server is totally separate machine.
I installed this hack and most of the Email To options work now. For some reason, the only ones that seem not to send any emails are the Email Password To User and when a new user registers (the confirmation). Am I missing something? I went through every file (all of them) and made sure that I changed the mail( to 'mime_mail(.
I'm running Vbulletin 2.2.9 right now. At this moment this hack seems to be my only choice. Any help would be appreciated. I'll supply any info needed.