Originally posted by geniuscrew
Nice one - However better get back on topic before I get my a$$ kicked 
Bitsys - how would you make a heal spell. I'm curious because I'm about to install it.
Also your stats say [+ mp] etc for elements. Does it add the HP? o.O
I had not thought of heal spells. I will try to add that tomorrow. You can wait for that version if you want, it shouldn't take too long to make.
I am not sure about what you are asking as far as elements are concerned. The formula from the original element hack is still there. The element adds to your HP, MA, and PP. Your AP (anger percentage) must be a value between 0 and 99. Therefore, you can assign anything for the + to HP, + to MA, and + to PP of an elements, however, you should only assign a number between 0 and 99 for the AP of an element. Every time the user updates his/her stats after gaining a new level, the AP modifier of their element will determine how mad they are after gaining a new level.