the alterations work, hellsatan, but i gues its a less than elegant solution. it'll work until something better comes along. thanks alot!
one more thing, what about people who just want text sigs? i mean quotes or words instead of images?
the biggest problem with this hack seems to be that its just a flat out war to get it reconciled with the existing sig functions in vbb...
if i wipe every existing sig and remove the existing sig functions, i get that blasted ")" in my sig fields on the boards...
if i move that to code to postbit, i have to manually insert the white barrier above the sig code into the html...
if i then go back and try to put in an old sig via the admin panel, the old functions insert a new white barrier above that sig, while the one i had to manually insert into the postbit template appears below...
plus, putting sigs in manually using the admin cp, they dont show up in the sig panel in the usercp, just the dead link. its just gonna confuse the hell out of people.
and, now, with the postbit hack, sigs put in the admin cp only appear in some posts....i gotta guy with four posts on one thread, the sig shows in some posts, like first, third and fourth, but not idea whats causing that...
this is a great hack and it would really be usedful if it was possible to work it into the existing site functionality, or have them interact somehow.
or, this would fix everything, if you could have one or the other work by default or by user, that way, you could use the admin panel to handle text sigs and flash or anything, and have the usercp hack for new members...or whatever...a function to disable basic sig functionality on the board without disabling the hack and vice versa...
is this possible?
as it is, its just a monster headache getting it to work properly. still havent been able to do it.