Many of you may be wondering why the stuff I have promised is not out yet, its because I have been busy with my personal life, and thanks to alot of people here at i have learned alot of new stuff in php and Mysql, and will be releasing yet a new big release, with great new features, and a full code revamp.
Also I will be making a new one for vB3 when that comes out.
Here are some features on the TODO
- Sub Categories
- Link Editing (By user who added the link and admin on the site itself)
- Revamped Admin Panel with more control in vB options
- New Style
- Link Rating
- Mini Topsites
- Advanced Toggle Options in AdminCP for all features
- UserGroup Permissions (Allow certan usergoups to view/add links)
- Built-In Banner/Button rotator (Maybe)
- Banner/Button Engine (Allows the user to display a button or banner, can be toggled on or off)
- Adding Rules (make it so only 1 user can add 1 link etc)
- Easy Integration Instructions (vBhome, main site etc)
and many other features, this will be a full re-write of the code, and the best part about all this is, the goal is no more than 11 queires per major function. The Currect Directory potentially only has 6-7 queries, but with all the extra addons less than 11, 10, and if all features are turned off less than 8, I will be giving you more information soon.