OK, I think I have a problem here! In the docs it says:
Near line 919 find the following:
//` put password into PN user table
if ($pnuser=1) {$pnuser=2; }
$DB_site->query("UPDATE nuke_users SET pn_pass='".addslashes(md5($newpassword))."' WHERE pn_uid='$pnuser'");
That completes the hacks for forums/member.php!
I think it is missing what I am to look for. HELP! I am now way into this and I am missing stuff?
It looks like another problem:
In the PostNuke file modules/NS-Your_Account/user/modules/user.php find the following near the top:
function edituser($htmltext)
$ThemeSel = pnConfigGetVar('Default_Theme');
Seems I do not have this file at all.
Sorry guy, this really needs some work. And I know the sad part is that I am sure you have put many, many hours into it. You are close, but it has issues.