First of all, I've been begging for this for months....thank you!
I could use a little help though. I'm not sure exactly how to fill out some of the values.
INSERT INTO ircstat(channelname,channelusers) VALUES ('#channel','0')
Okay, you stated that it is case sensitive, so I assume something should be edited here. I only have one channel, #reefaquariumguide, do I enter this into the #channel spot? And do I leave a 0 after it?
In this line from the perl script:
@channels = ('#channel1','#channel2','#channel3');
Do I edit that with the name of my channel as well?
I've got it setup now but get nothing. I am monitoring the chat and the bot never shows up. Just in case I setup the cron wrong I also tried running it in the command prompt. I checked the error logs and I don't see any errors it caused, but nothing shows up in the chat.
Thanks for any help