Is there a way to revert the database changes?
Yes of course. To revert it you need to delete the "news" column in "post" table. Also don't forget to revert script modifications of the advanced installation or you'll get db errors when you send a news post.
Also will the search results be changed when you search?
Question is not clear to me. Neither the advanced installation, nor the hack itself has nothing to do with vb's searching feature. So what do you mean?
Also how much faster will it be?
I can not give you a maths formula but all I can say is this: it will be dramatically faster compared to basic installation considering the fact that you have a large db.
In basic installation when the scripts runs, it goes through the entire post table, checking all posts in your database and looks for the hack tags [news] in posts. Think about how long it will take if you have 100.000 posts with each 1000 characters in it.
When you apply advanced installation, hack will tag news posts in column news in database and the script will only check for the tagged messages and will not look inside the posts anymore. So the result will be returned very fast.
Hope this helps..