Well, I'm really stuck with this one, now. Something caused a conflict for the auto-installer ..... and I'm not able to copy templates to a different set (they just didn't show up anywhere). I also can't seem to continue this installation manually because the installer won't let me skip the steps I've already done.
Thus far, I've uploaded the php files where they belong and I ran the install file. But I've no idea how to proceed now:
1 - Having checked what I can find ....... the quiz database tables are there; they look great.
2 - The templates didn't get loaded anywhere.
3 - Nothing appears in the Admin CP that relates to quizzes.... and I can't continue with the install instructions.
Would someone familiar with this hack, please help me? We really want to use this great feature, along with the later enhancements that have been released for this, too.
I can't run the install again without messing up the database and I can't install this manually without help.