Hi all!
Cause I have to work on a lot of different projects, it?s
impossible 4 me to visit this thread often.
I?m realy sorry 4 that.
(And my english is still bad.)
At this moment, I was able to spend a few minutes to help...
Enough said. Let?s do...
@ wolfe
"i think it should be added to VB3 as a default hack this is incredible"
Thanks! It?s realy fine to hear that kind of feedback!

I often think about the hard work I had with this hack in the past
& how much usefull it will be to include the new features. Still 10 min. ago I would have said that I will not make this work nevertheless probably. But than I read your posting.... So:
That?s the reason why
I will include the features above, if a stable version of vB3 is avaible. :rambo:
@ diavolo
Yes that?s right, You have to do every query seperatly with phpmyadmin.
@ Mist
*hehe* Yeah I know how hard it is to translate
freakin' words with google!

"Is there any change you could provide us with the english templates?"
I will try to do a 'general manner translation' in the next days.
@ hellsatan
"I would be very interested to see if this works

Sure, why not? My first hack of this kind was vbSubdomains v1.x.
It?s working fine and the only different to vbSubdomains v2 are some more features. Oh, another different is present.:
Version1 comes with hack-instructions, Version2 comes only with my short informations I write down while develop it.

Now I have add a special acc 4 to allow a DEMO of this hack.
- go to my page ->
- login with betatester/betatester
- got to the UserCP ->
- choose 3. Option from left (edit options)
- scroll down to the bottom of the page an hit the "Subdomain Daten" button
Note: This UserAcc can?t post anything and the redirection will not work for him. But you can see and play around with the redirection-options.

Add, Del a.s.o.

And.... No, I doesn?t make a "test-Admin-acc"
@ TimHL
Yes it does. A adfree redirection service 4 your Members.
@ Goldknight
Before santa is coming, you will get something like that.

But remain already well-behaved! ( hehe, just kidding

@ eckels2
Jepp, this will done in the next version. And I?m thinking about
3 ways of 'IP-updates' for the "no-ip type service" (aka DynIP).
1. IP-Update Option: the subdomainuser just have to visit your board
2. IP-Update Option: the subdomainuser is using a personal "update-url" with his browser (a simply entry in favorites will be usefull

3. IP-Update Option: a small "automatic-update-client" was installed. (something like the one from DynIP.com)
That?s what I wanna do, but I can?t promise that every 3 Option
will be avaible.
Option 1 will be very easy, I think.
Option 2 is a little bit harder, but possible in a few hours.
Option 3 is the "deluxe Version". I will be glad if this work!
Ok hackers. Thats all 4 the moment.
With Best regards,