Originally posted by Mathiau
does your code not allow someone to post if they do not have enough points? i didn't think it did - my bad.
also - the points amount is diff for each forums section - any way to admin this in the Admin CP?
So i can say forum 1 u need 10 points to view forum 2 u need 20 points to view etc etc?? how can i set each forum amount of points needed to view it?
Integrating it into Admin CP is time consuming. But you can use the exact code to add other forums like:
PHP Code:
if ($bbuserinfo[storep]<A AND $threadinfo[forumid]==Y)
{ eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate"error_notehoughstoremoney")."\");");}
if ($bbuserinfo[storep]<B AND $threadinfo[forumid]==Z)
{ eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate"error_notehoughstoremoney")."\");");}
if ($bbuserinfo[storep]<C AND $threadinfo[forumid]==Q)
{ eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate"error_notehoughstoremoney")."\");");}