In showthread, there's the alternating colours...firstaltcolor secondaltcolor and they alternate on each post, now what I want to do is create a second variable...I have userinfo boxes, ie. boxes around Location, Posts, etc. and I want the bgcolor of the boxes to be the opposite of the backcolour of the post the boxes are in.
First post, the background colour of the post is firstaltcolor.
The boxes in the post, these should be
And vice versa for a post with secondaltcolor as the background colour of the post...
In fact, maybe if someone has that much time on their hands, could teach me how to integrate this into the style setting page? Ie. add two extra options, asking for firstboxcolor and secondboxcolor?
Anyway, what should happen is, say I set something for firstboxcolor, in a post which has firstaltcolor, the box colour should be
secondboxcolor and vice versa...
Hope that made sense and it would be really interesting and helpful if someone posted up some tips as to how I can create this..I have an ok-ish idea of how to add it into the style settings, as I know how to enter fields into a query, so it will update the settings, but things i'm unsure about are the fields to be created in the DB, etc. and how to do this alternating code...maybe I could look at the postbackcolor code and change it