I personally think HiveMail is a high quality product that is a great addition to any website that can cope with the traffic.
It can generate an income revenue also, since you can charge for it, a fee.
I'm tired of people complaining about the price that is high etc.
Guys, do you know that there are other similarly scripts out there that charge $800 and are only half as good as HiveMail?
Let's say this: $180 for one license, then you charge $10/year/member. You only need 18 members and your license is paid. So complaining about the price is stupid.
Also the script is well done, and I know Chen used some new PHP techniques to reduce the queries stress on the server and it's tables are judiciously balanced to don't eat much of HD space.
From what I heard (website information) HiveMail is a pretty complete package. plus I know Chen and his way around with PHP. So I'm comfortable that he released a quality product, that BTW was tested here for several months...