Originally posted by milkmycow
how can we fix it?
like i said, check what url is in the flash object-tag. you have to enter the right directory in the global options (for testing leave this blank and put all your movies in the /forum dir). if you cant get it to work, pm me the url to your forum and a login i can use and ill take a look.
btw. i fixed a little bug with the querystring, the querystring to the movie has to be urlencoded, because there are specialchars in it (/) which can't be transfered in the url. some versions of internet explorer fix this itself, but netscape dont.
in the flash object tag for netscape, the querystring was missing, so that was probably the problem why the scoreboard etc. didint work in netscape.
with that 2 fixes, i was able to get all working with netscape7. no problem with the scoreboard and posting, runs fine. i dont know if there are problems with other netscape versions. if so, post the the netscape version and error message here, ill take a look.
here are the 2 fixes:
in proarcade.php find this:
PHP Code:
// get the relative URL of the forum
$vpa_bburl = reduceurl($bburl);
replace it with:
PHP Code:
// get the relative URL of the forum
$vpa_bburl = urlencode(reduceurl($bburl));
in template vbproarcade_playgame_flashcode
PHP Code:
<embed src="$vpa_filename" $vpa_eparams width="$vpa_width" height="$vpa_height">
PHP Code:
<embed src="$vpa_filename?$vpa_qstring" $vpa_eparams width="$vpa_width" height="$vpa_height">
thats it... have fun.
and thx to futurereal for this nice hack...
if any1 got some more flashgames, go ahead and post the fla.files here...