Bleh... Does anyone know where anything like this would exist?? re: downloads
I have been searching exhaustively now for a system to house download archives that DOES'NT require manual entry...
There is a nifty little program called MyeGallery which most of you may be familiar with, which has a fantastic batch building aspect to it. You use the admin to create categories and sub categories, and the script will create those directories on the server using the admin. then you just dump the files via ftp into the appropriate directories, and trigger the batch script in the admin, and it automaticly parses the files that have been added, inserts them in the db..
The only problem with the program is that the downloads dont actually work... =p ..
Now, since the part at issue is really the batch build which does work, I wonder if someone has done something like this using VBulletin which would allow someone to use VB and that hack as a file archive portal without having to manually enter thousands of files by hand in the admin..
also MyeGallery allows you to enter default "posted by" and File Description info for each batch, so you could do a batch of screensavers of a ferrari, and you would enter "Ferrari screensavers" as the description, and the batch file in the admin would then tag all the files in that batch with that description in the front end.
Sorry if i rambled or was unclear..
Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated..and no I cant code to a meaningful level..