Hi there,
Today I just finished installing this hack and I must say I'm very impressed and excited about it. It works very well and I've already created a layout in the header for my Flash Gallery Menu and Forum Jump links. It works beautifully. Thanks so much for a nice hack. It really allows me to create and experiment with new things.
I did encounter one strange thing that I apparently fixed. On my site I run multiple themes, such as Ravio, Ekko, Emerge etc. When I installed this I used the Ravio and Ravio Blue skins to test the hack. I found that when using image files for category headers it leaked into to other category headers in the forum and in my vbportal. The background images had the same name "catbg.gif" but were in different folders and were different images. So I just renamed them to different names and it corrected the problem. Sorry, but that might be difficult to understand <LOL>
Anyway, great hack. I'm really going to enjoy this. I attached a screen shot if anyone wants to see how I started using this hack for my site.
Thanks again,
Ricoche :bunny: