TWTCommish - after reading page one of this 41 page thread, I was able to add this wonderful hack without any problems!
Upon successful completion, I did take the time to read all the 41 pages of posts and I must agree with Steve (somewhere in the middle of these 41 pages) regarding why folk might be reluctant to share hacks. Gosh! A million questions asked that were in the install notes, a million folk saying I don't want to read all these pages could you just answer this one question, 1/2 million asking for version 2 when you were knee deep in version 1, 1/2 million throwing in a dammm or WTF when it didn't work properly for them the first time ... after reading comments like these I expected you to be cursing too ... but you remained calm, cool, and polite ... my hats off to you!
Thanks for a wonderful hack. Clicking Installed.