Originally posted by X-Fan
Also, if you want your Latest Forum Discussions list to show the date/time/poster of the last post in a thread, rather than the default date/time/poster of the first post in the thread...
In the home_threadbits template, find:
$thread[date] <font color="#FF9C58">$thread[time]</font> <a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$thread[postuserid]">$thread[postusername]</a><br>
Replace with:
$thread[date] <font color="#FF9C58">$thread[time]</font> by $thread[lastposter]<br>
SWEET, X-Fan! Thanks.
As a slight modification, if you still wish the members name to be a link to their profile, use the following code in home_threadbits template instead:
<font color="{timecolor}">$thread[time]</font> by
<a href="$bburl/member.php?action=getinfo&find=lastposter&threadid=$thread[threadid]">$thread[lastposter]</a>
Again, Thanks X-Fan. I was just thinking about how to do this very thing!