Originally posted by Mist
Well i dont want this hack to be removed myself because it has lots of potential.
Why not just give credit to DrkFusion in your first post so this excellent hack can still be worked on 
- miSt
mist u dont get the point ..
drk and others accusing me of stealing their codes and creating this hack ..
just think .. is that can be possible ? are there any file archive hack ? by them or other ?
they accusing me of ripping codes/copying codes and so .. after hours of coding and testing ..
and think one more time : how can i steal thier codes ? drk released v 2.0 newly and my beta tests started on " 11-02-02 07:09 PM " which is still at beta hacks forum .. and my own tests b4 that date ? and those betas includes subcats , rating , letter view, advanced search and many more which still arent on they hack .. how man how ? and my 1.0 release only includes bug fixes ..
they said that i used same comment sytle .. same variable names .. oh my god ! i am using i,j,k as a loop variable in my codings on both java,c++,c,delphi,php, .. or others .. thats the matter ?
and the same codes they mentioned .. yes i used vb codes .. i have to , cause im coding a hack for
vb .. is it false ? i use letter view and page/page view .. and other things .. as you know there is a coding standart in all hacks and files .. so i look into hacks to see how the other coders coded their hacks .. cause this hack will be published .. i look indentations , comment styles .. is that false ?
man 1500+ code and i get all those ?
lotsa things also .. i offer help and they accused me of lotsa bad thing ..
as you know i coded this to cover all my needs .. and u offered file addition .. i said :
" after learning how vb manages attachments i will" .. got it ? also i dont want any copyleft thing .. the only thing i said " please dont remove my name " .. nothing more ..