Originally posted by Knux
I have a question... IF I have forums that have over 300 members and I am about to do A fresh install of vbulleitn 2.2.8 but I am going to dump the users back in, would this still work or would I have to do something so it would??
The main thing to remember is that the user id has to be the same between PostNuke and vBulletin. Once you have the user tables mirrored it should work great.
Using a utility to open up your sql database look in the "user" table for the userid numbers and take note of who is who. I mean for example user id 15 ok? Note the username for that id number.
Then go to the nuke_users table (or prefix_users depending on what prefix you're using) and do the same thing. All user ids MUST match between vBulletin and PostNuke. They must mirror each other without error.
If there is a utility to MERGE databases....wherein the users and their ids are re-arranged in such a way where all the users and their ids match between the two then it will work. Accurate mirroring is key to this to work.
Now If I didn't want to mirror and I just wanted to use one database I could have done that. And it probably wouldn't be too hard to tweak the hack in order to have only one database. I just feel it's better to have the two user databases seperate in case I drop one or the other....like maybe if I decided to stop using PostNuke...I'll want to keep the user tables in vB.
There could be multiple versions made of this hack. One for people with a new install of vB.....One where there are people in BOTH databases and one where there are people in the vB database but the PN database is empty. It would just take a bit of thought in how to go about it right.