Originally posted by yahoooh
i hope it works with phpnuke which is the best
i will test it at my local host and i will see if it is good integration
thank u
As I intimated in my earlier post ... I don't believe this hack will work with PhPNuke because of the groups and permissions system. If you try to make this work with it you'll probably have to take out those parts in the hack pertaining to this.
Doing so will mean that once someone registers they will automatically have access to using your site as a registered user. Email authentication will become null and void for your front page.
The only way around this would be to create a new field in nuke_users and then peeking into this field each and every time you want to restrict access to a feature in PhPNuke to registered users.....mucho work man....
My suggestion would be to upgrade to PostNuke from PhPNuke.