I used to have it like the following:
- Users were auto logged in (all the way)
- They could not change it
- When they hit logout, it logged them all the way out and brought them to the main forum page
My previous chatbit was:
<applet code="Client.class" codebase="http://freechat.raidersoft.com" archive="scclient6_en.zip" width=760 height=500>
<param name="port" value="9000">
<param name="room" value="ROOMNUMBER">
<param name="canvaslength" value="1000">
<param name="lang" value="en">
<param name="layout" value="std">
<param name="lopt" value="s+t+a+c+h+d+l+">
<param name="urllist" value="false">
<param name="subroom" value="false">
<param name="exitURL" value="http://www.MYFORUM.com/forums/">
<param name="USERNAME" value="$username">
I applied the new chatbit like in the thread and it does work, but it does not auto log in the user, and if I do log on manually, hitting the Logout brings me back to the login screen....not good because users can then login as someone else.
Thanks for all your time!!!