Originally posted by \ \ - Speedy - / /
is this hack possible to add just to the postbits? like have it say
Dates Registared: 182 (and that would be it?)
can someone figure that out?
u can do this
open function.php(in admin folder)
PHP Code:
$jointime = (time() - $post[joindate]) / 86400; // Days Joined
above that add
PHP Code:
// Display Days Registered
// By: afterlab
$regdays = round((time() - $post[joindate]) / 86400); // Days Joined
if ($regdays < 1) { // Must be registered Today
$regdays = "1";
$daydays = "Day";
if ($regdays == 1) {
$daydays = "Day";
} else {
$daydays = "Days";
and put ($regdays $daydays) in ur postbit template
i think it should be work....try it