Workd Great, Using 2.2.8 and i did the folowing. Didn't deal with this part of the read me at all
Something Different?
// ++++++++++++++++++++
Go to the Admin CP and create a new usergroup.
Call the group Banned by Warnings :: And be sure to restrict all access to the forum from this usergroup!
Then Submit and right click the edit link to that new usergroup. Remember the Usergroupid for the config of the warnconfig.php!
(ie. 8)
Notice ::
Open warnconfig.php and configure this according to your forum!
i made the rest of the changes that the "installation_txt.php" says to make. then i put the files in the dir and used the "install_warning.php" (i had an error here, dunno why i just had to deleate 2 lines from "installation_txt.php": cpheader(); and cpfooter(); they kept giving me problems.)
after that the auto installer did the rest and i went into the CP and set up the options. It's just what i was thinking of earlier today... I wanted a warning script, and this is all i wanted and more.
GREAT JOB g-force2k2. btw, you might want to update the "installation_txt.php" so people dont have to dig through 17 pages of posts to figure out that there doesnt need to be a warnconfig.php

anyways.. good job!! *clicks install*