I did all of that except for
Still in your vBulletin Admin Control Panel, set your journalist avatars URL to your full website URL, like that:
Avatars > Modify > [edit]
and change the Path to image to the full URL, instead of your current value, images.
Example: http://www.yoursite.com/forum/image.../journalist.gif
The default avatars will be from now your staff images. I recommend you to use pictures. They will work the same way like normal avatars, with the exception that they will be viewed only by your staff. The rest of members will be able to upload their own custom avatars, as usual.
If you don't want to allow avatars uploads, simply disable the Upload Avatar option, in Avatars section of
your Admin Control Panel.
Because when I go to my Admin CP and to Avatars, there are no avatars because I don't use default avatars. I want the custom avatars to work.