I cant work this out ok 3 groups of text:
(this goes into the <head> section of your page)
<script language="JavaScript" SRC="moveobj.js"> </script>
var chip1;
var chip2;
var chip3;
//add or delete more variables, depending on how many images you're using
function pagestart()
chip1=new Chip("chip1",60,80);
chip2=new Chip("chip2",60,80);
chip3=new Chip("chip3",60,80);
//add or delete more of the above, depending on how many images you're using
{ movechip("chip1");
//add or delete more of the above, depending on how many images you're using
(This next one goes into the <body> section of your page, outside any other tags)
<DIV ID="chip1" STYLE="position:absolute; width:47; height:68;">
<A HREF="some.html"><IMG SRC="../ballon3.gif" BORDER=0></a>
<DIV ID="chip2" STYLE="position:absolute; width:47; height:68;">
<A HREF="some.html"><IMG SRC="../ballon4.gif" BORDER=0></a>
<DIV ID="chip3" STYLE="position:absolute; width:47; height:68;">
<A HREF="some.html"><IMG SRC="../ballon2.gif" BORDER=0></a>
(And this one goes inside the <body> tag itself)
<body onLoad="pagestart();" onUnload="if(brOK) {stopme('chip1'); stopme('chip2'); stopme('chip3');}" >
So can anyone please tell me what templates I need to edit for it please? Can't get it to work myself!