Originally posted by Ian
I just installed the hack and must say it works awsome, hoever, I do have one slight problem. My, Last Thread Next Thread links seem to have a extra row of space bwtween the upper table. I attatched a picture to show the problem, the picture also includes my L33T driving skills.
I think your showthread template has an extra space because of the </form> tags (maybe) Try removing the blank line between the </form> tag and the </table> tag. My code doesn't have any <br> in it to cause it. It could just be a html behaviour acting up.
Originally posted by cgwillis
Just a quick question that I THINK I know the answer for:
Is there any way to make the checkmarked quotes stay in the form memory if you move to another comments page in a single thread? I can only quote multiple messages on the same page in a thread.
The awnser you could expect is no, and I am afraid to say that I think it is no. It requires too much code modifications to achieve this. (version 2.x hehe, but I doubt that will happen).
Originally posted by WoodiE
I too am having the same problem as Schorsch...what can i do to move the check box over to the left more?
Originally posted by WoodiE
Nevermind I fixed it...Very nice hack.
That goes for everybody: It is just the template, everybody can place it anywhere withint the template to implement it in their own design of the postbit. I just put it in its own table, to the right, because that is where I wanted it, and that is where everybody from the beta thread showed to have it. I am glad that you could fix it, wasn't that hard eyh! And I am glad you like the hack.
Originally posted by LangTuDaTinh
great hack but how come it only work /w the top post reply button for my forum? it doens't work /w the bottom post reply, please help...thanks
Matter of reading the words 'BOTH!!' from the installation file.. :P
Originally posted by LangTuDaTinh
oppss..sorry, i forget to reply both in showthread....thanks ...it works w/ 2.2.8

I am glad you got it working.