It can be done here in admin/functions.php
PHP Code:
if($dobbimagecode and ($bbuserinfo[userid]==0 or $bbuserinfo[showimages])) {
// do [ img]xxx[ /img]
$bbcode = preg_replace("/(\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"".iif($allowdynimg,"","\?\&")."]*)(\[\/img\])/siU","<img src=\"\\5\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">", $bbcode);
$bbcode = preg_replace("/(\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\[\/img\])/siU", "<a href=\"\\5\" target=\"_blank\">\\5</a>", $bbcode);
I just need to figure out how I can see if the Link contains my $HTTP_HOST, if it does, then it will just get an HREF, if not, it will get an IMG tag