Well you should have stated that this may be an isolated issue. You're not the one that I have the comment about. It's the other guy who's exciting fear into everyone here. his approach was terrible ... not contacting the author about this issue and creating a fix for everyone and making the guy look bad.
Your situation could have been on your side of the coin. Try scanning your computer first and your downloads before storing them on your pc. You should have caught this before opening the file.
Also you may have your scan settings to high which could have gave you a false alarm. I use norton 2003 pro and accept downloads with Flashget (Which I have it scan the files after downloading).
Better to perform these procedures before announcing something that you didn't take the precautions to check before posting it on the the board. It only adds to the fire here with the other gentlemans comment.
Respect the hackers here cause thay are the one's who beautify your boards without asking for a red cent from anyone. All they want is a "thank you" and a click in the upper right hand corner of your browser!
If you have any comments about their work they mostly provide assistance and that means a lot to me to see someone who sweat it out and also provide assistance! I'm a Developer myself and I know how they feel!