Okay ... the sub-forum exists.
The newsgroup definitely exists, and the hack is set up so newsgroup messages will be dumped into the existing subforum.
Let's re-run, judt for kicks.
-> fetching 68517... OK
-> fetching 68518... OK
-> fetching 68519... OK
-> fetching 68520... OK
-> processing article batch...
-> requested 100 messages... 0 not available or rejected.
-> inserting new threads from alt.planning.urban
-> inserted 14 threads
-> finding replies...
-> loading 33 replies...
Clean disconnection from news.freenet.de:119
Expiring usenet articles older than 120 days...
-> alt.planning.urban... OK
Expire completed.
Okay ... strange. It says that there's posts in the group.
But go to the group, and there's nothing.
Strangely, you can search for text from Usenet threads, and they're there. The threads just aren't visible from the sub-forum page.