Outstanding script! Thanks for all your hard work.
I have to report an error, though. I have all the perl modules, and the MySQL database was properly reconfigured using the provided SQL queries, but some error prevents downloaded messages from being inserted into my database.
bash-2.05$ perl newnews.pl
Connecting to news.freenet.de:119... Connected
Pulling alt.planning.urban...
-> fetching articles 68845 to 68895...
-> fetching 68846... OK
-> fetching 68847... OK
-> fetching 68848... OK
-> fetching 68893... OK
-> fetching 68894... OK
-> fetching 68895... OK
-> processing article batch...
-> requested 50 messages... 0 not available or rejected.
-> inserting new threads from alt.planning.urban
Query failed:
UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1, threadcount=threadcount+1 ,lastpost=1026222245,lastposter='Fallwater',lastac tivethread='seeking list of founding dates of m...' WHERE forumid IN ()
DBD::mysql::db do failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')' at line 1 at newnews.pl line 748, <SOCK1> line 3818.