Anyone know if this puppy will work the same with the new Sigma Chat 7.0 about to be released??
On November 1st, 2002, RaiderSoft will begin the SigmaChat v7.0 upgrade process. All accounts will be upgraded, including those running older, SigmaChat v5.x clients. Some downtime is to be expected as all servers will be upgraded, and new port assignments will be given. At the very least, any users online during the upgrade will have to reload the chat applet to continue use.
In SigmaChat v7.0, all settings to your chat room will be made directly from the new control panel. In SigmaChat v6.0 however, some settings were sent directly to the applet via your link instructions. Therefore, some account holders may need to adjust chat room settings from the new SigmaChat v7.0 control panel once it is installed.