Let ask a question does the PHP installer create this directory for you guys? c:/network/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll This isnt even created with the msi. installer. But there is a zip file:
PHP 4.2.3 zip package [5,417Kb] - 6 September 2002
(CGI binary plus server API versions for Apache, Apache2 (experimental), ISAPI, NSAPI, Servlet and Pi3Web. MySQL support built-in, many extensions included, packaged as zip)
And this one has the directory and module when extracted but there is no .msi file for installation so im assuming that it must be placed and configured manually. And i know i dont have a problem between the monitor and my seat.

But once i solve this and I will solve it, ill post back. Morey I am using XP Pro with SP1 and i was hoping it wasnt something wrong with SP1, but i wouldnt think so.