Originally posted by LightBringer
1. Second of all, I'm not your buddy TECK/nakkid. Hell I don't even know you and after this post, I don't think I want to either.
2. I don't care which one is the original, I don't care where the code was borrowed copied, and frankly, I could care less where even the most remote spark of creativity came from. The point is, instead of taking this attitude that your product is better, your code is better, all hail i'm the creator, bow before my l33tness, you should understand that while some of us enjoy the variety of hacks, we still reserve the right to pick and choose which hacks we want to install.
3. Your hack vbhome lite was on 5-28-02. 3 months later (08-27-02), when you decided to reopen it [high]with the help of your friend James Tingle[/high] who wrote the commercial version, vbindex was already alive by 08-04-02 and I was all over it as an alternative to both vbportal and vbhome.
4. Maybe instead of spreading yourselves (plural for ALL hackers) thin, a joint effort on projects like this would yield some amazing results, since they are in fact meant for US, the community.
Just my $0.02, take it for what it's worth.
1. i dont need to know also, i have enough friends.
2. that remark show how ignorant you are, related to php. yes it is important the code, how well written it is. that's what makes the difference between vBulletin and other bulletin boards out there who ripped their code, for example.
3. James Tingle never helped me with the code. in fact, i was helping him with certain aspects related to the commercial script. the script was closed due to ignorance of some people, not worth mentioning even their name, then reopen at a few vb.org friends request.
4. there is nothing to join in it. i'm not the type of person who take someone else's work(hacks) and stick them inside my hack. all my code is written by me and it will stay like that.