Originally posted by zonegray
Can WebTemplates and WebQueries be used in other pages besides show.php?
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly?
Webtemplates are like html pages (in fact they are so, but they just reside in your MYSQL db, just like vb templates). When you load an html page, you call its address and for webtemplates they address are :
To load a webtemplate you have to call its address in this format. If you are asking if you can call a webtemplate without using "show.php", the answer is no because show.php is the script that parses and displays webtemplates. Webtemplates can not be displayed without show.php because they reside in MYSQL and you can't directly access them.
However it's always possible to use .htaccess tricks and redirect another URL to a webtemplate.
Is this what you asked?