1. many thanks to the hackers who have made this my board what it is, may install one or 2 more but l8er.
2. everyone else who has posted there board for comments, got a lot of great ideas from them and used the ones i liked.
A general BS board, noting real fancy but i think its kewl. Right now the only style is the dark red-orange. have an idea fo the light one now. Needed it mellow and best read in a soft lit room as suffer from a migrain (1.5year one) that just will not go away, no matter what the docs have tryed.
comments suggestion welcome - good and bad, advice if your up to it. :nervous:
may log onto the board using "duh" and pass of "well". pleaze post only in the testing and suggestion forums, or will disable the account.
board has no real posts other that what i put on it. am finishing the last bit up today.
am looking for ideas for the entrance page... ????