Originally posted by groovesalad
Anyone know how to make it so regular users can't see how long the Admins have been online?
This will remove the Admin Time Online everywhere BUT the threads.... you' still be able to record the admin's time but it won't show in the "View Leaders" and "User Profile" ...
Open your timeonline.php and search for:
WHERE userid !=0 AND timeonline > 0
Change it to:
WHERE userid > 1 AND timeonline > 0
open up member.php ans search for:
$userinfo[onlinetime] = dotimeonline($userinfo[timeonline]);
if($userinfo[timeonline] > 0) {
eval("\$getinfo_timeonline = \"".gettemplate('getinfo_timeonline')."\";");
} else {
$getinfo_template = "";
Replace it with:
if ($userinfo[userid] != 1){
$userinfo[onlinetime] = dotimeonline($userinfo[timeonline]);
if($userinfo[timeonline] > 0) {
eval("\$getinfo_timeonline = \"".gettemplate('getinfo_timeonline')."\";");
} else {
$getinfo_template = "";
// +++++++ Start Time Online Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++