Automatic Upgrading of Members according to number of Posts
According to the number of posts a member has, his title is automatically updated.....
My Dream would be to have a hack where even the member is upgraded from a group to another so that he has more and more possibilities to do things on the forums....
I dream of a way where automatically for example, users with less than 10 posts can not start their own thread, and can not use private messaging...
then between 10 and 50 posts, they can start a new thread and use private messages, but they can not use another functionality of the forum.
I know I could simply do this by creating new groups with special permissions, and then manually changing the group of the user.... but my wish is to have a Dynamic system that automatically does so, all depending on the number of posts for example....
I have seen something like this on some Pakistani forum.....
I do not know, maybe a hack for this is already out there....
if not, Would that be a hard hack to do ???