Originally posted by LeeCHeSSS
Change both "<smallfont>" and "</smallfont>" to "<normalfont>" and "</normalfont>"
Then in order to change the button: change
<input type="submit" name="searchButton" value="Search">
<input type="image" src="{imagesfolder}/go.gif" name="searchButton" border="0" align="absbottom">
Tnx the go button works but the first part you probably misunderstood..
I want the title "search the internet" to be in it's own cell with the standard background color (like the background color from the bar "Private Messages") and then the cell below with the content of the search field, combobox and go button)
It's exactly like i want in the attached pic on the first post (2 cells under each other, both a different background color (the same ones as used on my forum)