Addon Request
I'm not sure exactly how to do this, but if Teck or someone would like to help me, or maybe just do it for me that would be great
What'd I'd like to do is when you move our mouse over the Latest Topics section, it will display the ALT tag and show the full subject of the topic.
Example: "Download my late..." is displayed because you have it set to cut off at a point, but when you move your mouse over the link it would show "Download my latest version of vbHome (lite)!" in the yellow ALT tag thingy.
Can this be done? I don't think it'd be very hard and I don't think it'd add any queries to the page. Could be wrong though.
BTW, nice work with 3.5. Is it easy to upgrade if im running 3.3 right now?
Edit: I got this to work, see post below!