Originally posted by roxics
Thanks for doing this. Unfortunately for me it doesn't seem to work.
Is it because there is no GD installed on the server? How would I know? What is GD exactly?
BTW where you said you have to change the "forumdisplay" template it's actually the "forumdisplaybit" template.
Yeah, the only thing that I could see for it not to be working would be that you don't have GD installed. As you can see in the php, if $sizes isn't defined it won't declare the $imagethumb variable that is called for in the template. The only reason for $sizes not to be set is if you don't have GD. The only real way I can think of is try making a php file with just <? phpinfo(); ?> and see if it says anything about GD being installed. If it doesn't, look for the version of PHP you're running, and if need be upgrade to the newest version. If all else fails contact your host, asking if they have the GD module of PHP installed. Hope this helps. :\