Originally posted by Lanigironu
ARGH! This is absolutely ridiculous. Try these two queries:
INSERT INTO `settinggroupid` ( settinggroupid , title , displayorder ) VALUES ('32', 'Flash Gallery Options', '32');
INSERT INTO `setting` ( settingid , settinggroupid , title , varname , value , description , optioncode , displayorder ) VALUES (NULL , '32', 'Flash Gallery Active', 'flash_on', '1', 'This will turn off the gallery. It can be useful when trying to add Flash files or making modifications.', yesno', '1');
Or better yet, wait until futureal releases the vBProArcade hack. I will be integrating this hack into it.
settinggroupid don't exists! You need to add it in settinggroup. The query should be:
INSERT INTO `settinggroup` ( settinggroupid , title , displayorder ) VALUES ('32', 'Flash Gallery Options', '32');
And for the second query, you forgot a ' near yesno' so it should be:
INSERT INTO `setting` ( settingid , settinggroupid , title , varname , value , description , optioncode , displayorder ) VALUES (NULL , '32', 'Flash Gallery Active', 'flash_on', '1', 'This will turn off the gallery. It can be useful when trying to add Flash files or making modifications.', 'yesno', '1');
And in step2 you have: 'unsigneddefault' 2 times. That ain't working, it must be 'unsigned default'.