Don't expect much from
kaost451. I paid him up front for some buttons and work and he left me high and dry in the middle. I ended up doing half the work myself.
He did make me some really nice bars. But talent has nothing to do with good business practice.
I think if a free loader is going to take advantage of hard work and solicit there members instead of finding his own. They should back it up with ethics.
Be prepared for this guys bull crap reply and denial. I have every email to proof any excuse and baloney he will state here.
I even told him that I would finish the work if he would just send the png files any graphic designer provides for their customer and I never got them.
If you want one of his pre-made sets you may get them. I would not trust him for custom work. I gave many chances to make good. He went from. Sorry Dan Ill do it tonight. To as far as I am concerned I did the work already. After I waited for days and then said give me a refund.
Even after that, its been 2 weeks or so before I brought this up here. But Im sick of watching this guy scavenge this site like a troll or a peddler on the corner selling bags of peanuts. Whats going to sell next? Hey loser this isnt EBay!
No refund, no png file just a screw you. Cant wait for his lies to start so I can post the emails for proof! Bottom line; this guy has a ton of talent with no work ethic or concern for his customers. This isnt about money. Its about principles.
He promised me a certain amount of art & work for 25 bucks. This in my mind was cheap. Hes the dummy that shorted him self. I asked for buttons and bars with directions on installation. He said sure, but he preferred to install the bars. It started to take him too long so he bailed. And I finished the job which took me an hour and I didnt even know how to do it at first. Real though! Then I was going to let all this slide if he would just send me my promised files. NOPE.
So he had many chances to make good and didnt. So I think its important that everyone knows what this freeloader is up too. BEWARE of kaost451