Originally posted by refertech
No, i couldnt find the code that Teck was telling me to replace. Part of that code was in those templates but not all of it, so until i talk with Teck im scared to mess with much. Teck is a smart guy he will beable to tell us what we did wrong.
Well the code I understand, he had us adding $bburl in front of the member.php and the register.php in those lines. The problem is it didn't help, actually made it where you could not login at all. I a msure TECK will figure this out. I love the Vbhome, I am adding more to it now. Wonder if there is a way to get the vbulletin login box to not come up and instead use the vbhome login. Of course I have my board to where you ca nview nothing if you are a guest, so that may have something to do with it.
Still want then logout and forum button TECK............LOL