Originally posted by izz

It sems a headache to me, it is not working.
I also need to worry about having two completely different style sets since the other language is a right-to-left.
It seems that having the two installations which use the same membership table is easier for perfect separation in styles and forums.
Did anybody try this out before?
If you gave up just because you couldnt make it run, well you dont need to. Give me the problems you had with exact details and I can help you run the hack.
If you didnt like the solution and this is why you dont apply it, it's your call anyway..
But if this is the case I want to remind you that your project will require much more hacking than my solution and there a lot of tackles to handle in your 2 forums/1 database method.
Just a few points you should be considering about your project:
1- You banned a user in one board, he is not banned in the other. You have to ban it there too. Same applies if you changed any info (usergroup, username, email, settings etc.) of the user in your Admin CP
2- If user forgets his email and uses lost password recovery form, only his password in one board will change.
3- If user changes his email, only one email in one board will change.
4- If user changes any of the settings after registration, the setting will apply to one board.
There are many other issues you need to handle with way a lot of hacking on your project..

In other words be ready to have much more headaches.. :knockedout: