Hi Logician
Have to say that this hack is amazing! Finally gives me the full flexibility in my templates that I've been looking for! Great work
I was reading the previous posts in this thread (particularly the third page) and came up with a slightly different installation alternative which allows people to have the "Add template name in comments" option on, and makes the script slightly more optimised (using the info you said on the third page) and still makes installation only 2 steps
(I was very happy when reading through the hack installation details first time round to find there were only 2 installation steps as I was trying to install about 2 hacks at the time :/ )
Back to what I was talking about
Instead of step one being:
1- Edit admin/functions.php, find
return $template;
Replace it AS:
return advanced_templates($template);
Change step one to:
1- Edit admin/functions.php, find
if ($gethtmlcomments and $addtemplatename) {
Replace it AS:
if (substr_count($template,'[[/(')>=1) {
$template = advanced_templates($template);
if ($gethtmlcomments and $addtemplatename) {