This was what I meant. Say you have 2 boards
a) Help (In English)
b) Hilfe (In German)
Configure the access permissions so that HELP group is visible to only usergroup 20 and Hilfe is visible to usergroup 21. Then create your link in the header and make it display the text "ENGLISH BOARD" if the visitor's usergroup is 21 and "DEUTCHE" if visitor's usergroup is 20.
If a visitor from usergroup 20 visits your board he will only see the board HELP and he didnt even know you have another board named "Hilfe", (let alone its contents). He will also see a text in the neader "DEUTCHE" and if he can understand German, he can click it and to his ignorety the hack will change his usergroup to 21 on the background. Now he will see your board differently. Board HELP dissappears for him while a new forum HILFE appears. You can even apply different styles/colors/buttons etc. to different languages. So you would have 1 board but from the visitor's point of view they can think you have 2 seperate boards..